Friday, October 17, 2008

Aaaahhh!!! It's the weekend!!!

I love Fridays! It means the weekend is here.

I started off having no plans this weekend, but it seems to have filled up a little.

First, I'm embarassed to say that I completely forgot about Greg's and my anniversary tomorrow! With all that's gone on the last week, it totally slipped my mind. Even Greg admitted he had forgotten until he looked at a calendar. So tomorrow we'll be celebrating our 5th wedding anniversary by going out for dinner.

On Sunday I'm heading to Toronto for the day. I'm going to a 'miniature' show with my friend Carol. She has a miniature house she's been working on. I've always wanted to do one, so this will be my chance to see what's out there. We'll also check out a miniature store in TO and the Creative Festival. Should be a good day.

1 comment:

Kim Sanderson said...

my mom and dad were at the miniauture show today as well!!!! they love that stuff, we need to hit the states one day soon, Happy Anniversary to you and Greg!!