Thursday, August 27, 2009

Happy Birthday, Greg!

I think I have him an awesome birthday present -- a Mediterranean Cruise! LOL Ok - so maybe not, but I DID reserve us a dinner in the 'fancy' restaurant on board. We had an awesome meal. Heck, I even took pictures of some of it! LOL I'm sure we seemed a little 'red neck' or something. You'd think we never go out much.

Anyways, as for the rest of the day, it was great. We took a boat to Murano -- where they make the Murano glass -- and to Burano -- where they make lace. Since the ship was departing Venice at 3:00 pm, we had to be back on board by 1:30, so it was a quick excursion. We only had an hour on each island. They are both quite nice and I did manage to pick up some Murano glass jewelry and Burano lace. Burano is beautiful with the all the colorful homes. Apparently back in the day, because of heavy fog in the fall/winter, the sailors needed to find their way home, so the solution was to paint all the houses a different color. This tradition still lives on. It's a very colorful island!

Again the weather was HOT! Greg and I both melted on the 1 hour trip back from Burano.

We are now on the Adriatic heading toward Croatia. I'm not sure what time we dock, but our excursion doesn't happen until 10:00 am, so we get a little bit of a sleep in.

Before we left Venice, we had to travel through the main canal. I was able to get some nice shots of Venice from the ship. I also made a 'didn't think before I bought' purchase of a scrapbook album. It is nice, but after thinking about it, it's not what I really wanted for this trip. I asked if I could return it, but no deal. Sucks. Not somethin I can even put up at a Nook garage sale, unless you've been in the Mediterranean. Oh well. Guess I'll have to change my plans! lol

We've met several Canadians now. A couple behind as at dinner are from Hamilton. We didn't really talk to them, but the server had asked them and then mentioned that we were also from Canada. We exchanged a few pleasantries and then went on with our dinner.

I've just come from dropping $20 in the casino. It actually lasted a lot longer then ever happens for me at Fallsview! LOL

Anyways, it's really nice to be on board the ship and not having to deal with traffic or getting lost. I'm hoping that the captain knows where he's going... ;-)

Well...gotta couple more stops to make and I'm running out of time fast. I may have shorting my stories... but probably not.

Although your work day isn't even yet finished, my day is almost over! I'm nackered and think I'll will go and read for a while.


1 comment:

Elia said...

Hello Janice!!! Sounds like you guys are having a wonderful time!

Loved reading about the Murano glass - sounds beautiful.

Happy Birthday to Greg. Hope he is having a great day.

Checking in everyday and reading up on your fabulous cruise.